There are many ways to travel to Defqon.1. Read this information carefully and choose your means of transport. One of the best options to get to Defqon.1 is traveling by bus or public transport. Plan your trip in advance with the NS Travel Planner here. The NS Travel Planner is updated up to ten days prior to the event, so you can see exactly what this means for your trip. Check the NS Travel Planner before your departure to keep track of the most up-to-date information on your trip. If you're on the go, you can plan your trip with the app 9292 as well.

Public transport

Our advice is to download the 9292 app ( and navigate to Dronten train station. After arriving, you can use the shuttle bus service to the Defqon.1 festival site. Tickets for the shuttle bus service are available in our ticketshop here. 

Please keep in mind that the shuttle bus is meant for Weekend Warriors. On Saturday and Sunday, you can't reach Defqon.1 by public transport. There won’t be any shuttle buses available between surrounding train stations and the festival site.

There is no public transport connection when the festival is over at the end of the day on Friday and Saturday. 

Planning to leave on Sunday evening? Don’t forget that the final shuttle bus leaves before the end of the festival.

We recommend you stay until Monday, for even true Weekend Warriors need to rest after 4 days of greatness. 

Shuttle bus

If you have a weekend ticket, you can buy a shuttle bus ticket via the Defqon.1 add-on shop here or at the bus stop.

There will be shuttle buses available for weekend ticket holders at the following times:

Dronten to Defqon.1

Thursday June 22nd 10:00 – 20:00

Friday June 23rd 08:00 – 14:00

Defqon.1 to Dronten

Sunday June 25th 19:00 – 23:00

Monday June 26th 09:00 – 15:00

After Defqon.1 please follow the ‘Bus Exit’ sign to find your bus again. 

Kiss & ride

Are you being dropped off and picked up? Please make sure to follow the “Defqon.1” signs first. After following these signs, the ‘Kiss & Ride’ location will be indicated separately. Please don’t agree on a different pick-up location after the festival, as some roads may be closed. The ‘Kiss & Ride’ location will be clearly marked on all roads near Defqon.1 for both drivers and visitors. Visitors can also order an Uber during opening hours. If you choose to get an Uber, their pick-up location will be at the Kiss & Ride. The Kiss & Ride is 24 hours a day accessible


There will be a taxi stand available at the parking area. This location will be clearly marked for both taxi drivers and visitors. Taxis aren’t allowed to stop at other locations. We strongly advise you to arrange a different kind of transportation, since finding a taxi after the event might cause disruption.

Organized bus tours

If you are traveling from The Netherlands, you can book a bus tour ticket. There are lots of organizations who organize bus tours from many locations in The Netherlands to the Defqon.1 festival site. The bus will drop you off and pick you up next to the bus entrance. This way, you will enter the festival faster. After the festival has ended, you need to follow the ‘Bus Entrance' sign again. Check out our transport page. After Defqon.1 please follow the ‘Bus Exit’ sign to find your bus again. 


Are you driving to Defqon.1 by car? Please follow the yellow 'Parking' signs. For day visits, you can follow the signs that say 'P Friday, Saturday, Sunday'. For weekend parking, you can follow 'P Camping' or 'P Priority'. These routes are clearly marked from all roads. Please check your ticket for which parking you need to go to and follow instructions given to you by traffic officers, stewards and/or parking area staff. Unfortunately, we don’t provide any charging points for electric cars. 

It is not allowed to park your camper at the Defqon.1 parking lot. It is only allowed to park your car on the parking lot. Therefore, automobiles, caravans, trailers, and vans are not allowed. It’s also not allowed to sleep in your car or to camp in surrounding areas outside of the Defqon.1 Camping Grounds. 

Since last year, a solar carport has been installed over the Defqon.1 parking area. Because of this, please note that there are limited dimensions for vehicles parking in this lot.

We strongly recommend traveling to Defqon.1 with cars that have a height of less than 1.90 meters. Cars above this height are not able to park on the normal parking terrain and are therefore referred by the parking attendants to park in another designated area. From there, you will have to walk a longer distance to the entrance of Defqon.1. The maximum dimensions for the solar-carport area is: 4.4 meters length, 1,90 meter width, and 1,90 meter height.

Be aware that these maximum dimensions do not apply for the Priority Weekend Parking at campsite 0. With Priority Parking, you will immediately enter campsite 0.

Are you going with some friends to Defqon.1 and are some of your friends going by bus and others by car? Then, you can walk over to your friends at camp site 5 and 6 to camp with each other. It is not possible to take your friends who go by car to campsite 0-4

*Note: the Priority Weekend Parking tickets are sold out.

Stay until Monday

Going by car and staying the weekend? We recommend you stay until Monday for the following reasons:

  • Avoid getting stuck in traffic on Sunday evening. 
  • Take your rest. After 3 or 4 days of raving at Defqon.1, it's best to have a good night's sleep before you drive home. Please don't take any risks.
  • Every night at the Camping Grounds is a gift. Relax at The Wasted Lands with your tribe at the camp fire during this final night before you leave for another year. Trust us, it's worth it.

Self-organized bus tour

Great that you are coming with a self-organized bus tour! You are able to register your bus here. Note: Register your bus prior to the event. This is for free. If you do not register your bus, you will pay on the spot. 


There will be a bicycle shed, which will be indicated by yellow signs. You will be able to enter the event from there! 


Here you can find the most important information about the transfers and shuttles to and from Defqon.1. After Defqon.1 please follow the ‘Bus Exit’ sign to find your bus again.